(₹ Millions)
Mar-19 Mar-18
A.Cash flow from operating activities    
Profit before tax 25,956 27,311
Adjustments for :    
Depreciation and amortisation expense 1,589 1,398
Allowances for doubtful debts and advances 130 356
Exceptional item 218 -
Bad debts and advances written off 4 2
Share based payment expense 12 6
Liabilities and excess provision written back (110) (7)
Unrealised loss on exchange adjustments (net) 13 6
Loss on sale or impairment of property, plant and equipment (net) 14 49
Interest expenses 133 94
Fair value (gain)/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit and loss (68) 180
Loss on sale of investments 231 8
Dividend paid on redeemable non-convertible preference shares 1,149 1,328
Dividend income (6) (8,011)
Net gain on sale of investments classified as fair value through profit and loss (268) -
Interest income (882) (1,363)
Operating profit before working capital changes 28,115 21,357
Adjustments for :    
(Increase) in inventories (10,764) (5,857)
(Increase) in trade and other receivables (15,478) (2,691)
Increase in trade and other payables 9,057 2,652
Cash generated from operations 10,930 15,461
Direct taxes paid (net) (8,297) (8,130)
Net cash flow from operating activities (A) 2,633 7,331
B. Cash flow from investing activities    
Purchase of property, plant and equipment / capital work-in-progress (748) (538)
Purchase of intangible assets (324) (216)
Purchase of investment property - (601)
Sale of property, plant and equipment / intangible assets 13 5
Fixed deposit invested (86) (17,432)
Fixed deposit matured 6,749 11,677
Payment towards acquisition of subsidiary company - (2,765)
Receipt towards sale of shares of associate company 2 -
Purchase of non current investments (1,249) (2,567)
Sale of non current investments 120 -
Purchase of current investments (27,850) (42,960)
Sale / redemption of current investments 33,159 50,281
Dividend received from subsidiary company - 8,142
Dividend received from others 4 4
Interest received 817 962
Net cash flow from investing activities (B) 10,607 3,992
C. Cash flow from financing activities    
Redemption of redeemable preference shares (4,891) (4,030)
Proceeds from long-term borrowings 21 -
Repayment of long-term borrowings (10) (2,937)
Dividend paid on equity shares (3,357) (2,399)
Dividend paid on redeemable non-convertible preference shares (1,377) (1,435)
Interest paid (48) (94)
Net cash flow used in financing activities (C) (9,662) (10,895)
Net cash flow during the year (A+B+C) 3,578 428
Cash and cash equivalents from merged / demerged entities - 38
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 5,007 4,541
Net cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 8,585 5,007

In terms of our report attached

For Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP
  • Chartered Accountants
A. B. Jani
  • Partner

For and on behalf of the Board

Punit Goenka

Managing Director and CEO

Adesh Kumar Gupta


Rohit Kumar Gupta

Chief Financial Officer

M Lakshminarayanan

Company Secretary